
Delivering an authentic brand and technologies that facilitate patient access to life saving cancer survival information.


Brand Identity, Digital Strategy, User Experience UX Website Designs, Website Development, Marketing Creatives


Drupal CMS build.

The Startup Problem

A San Francisco bay area startup formed from a team of oncologists specializing in immunology and genetics wanted to provide patients with treatment recommendations and physicians with resources. The problem was they had no direction, web presence, concept or brand. Just a vision.

Before the company hired GrahamAgency they were solely servicing and educating patients the traditional way through medical referrals at a cancer clinic.

Live website

We brand, design, and develop Drupal websites for medical
We brand, design, and develop Drupal websites for medical

Increased referrals.

Facilitated accessibility to life-saving patient resources.






GrahamAgency collaborated with a board of oncologists, COO, subject matter experts SME, content editors and patients to deliver a new brand and a custom designed Drupal CMS website with supporting technologies.

Working both remotely and in-person throughout this discovery phase GrahamAgency conducted group meetings, brainstorm sessions and communicated directly with the business to understand the following in-depth…

Research and Testing

What is the purpose?
Why are we doing this?
Who are the design users?
What is the problem / need?

Creating a Project Brief

GrahamAgency understands the business needs, objectives, and problems and develops a project brief that covers scope of works, requirements, assumptions, functional and technical requirements as to provide a guide for the next phases.

We believe effective communication fosters trust with others and provides clarity and direction.


Creating an Authentic Brand

GrahamAgency applied and adapted to what was required to achieve the branding demands of a startup.

Brainstorming and Collaboration

As to understand more about the symbols that represent the science we conducted multiple branding brainstorm meetings.

In addition, we directed content creators on what content to develop and how to narrate a compelling story from the perspective of the product users.

Medical Branding Agency logo Design

Logo and Styles

Brand Narratives woven through all your content

Brand Narratives

We delivered an entire brand from scratch that is a bold symbol of the company, industry, science, and founders. Through voicing values, and patient and doctor stories we were able to convey authenticity.



Design Thinking

GrahamAgency followed design thinking methodologies and detailed every step of the user experience. We defined the product users with personas and created low fidelity designs such as wireframes, site maps and flow charts. As the design progressed we built up the fidelity applying the aesthetics.


Empathizing with Users

Our research identified 5 types of users. These included cancer patients, caregivers, person wanting information to avoid cancer, doctors wanting medical resources, and doctors wanting to join network.

As a cancer patient,
I want to seek a second opinion on my diagnosis and treatment options so that I can make informed decisions about my health.


Workflows and Wireframes

Separating aesthetics from site structure.

We produced workflows that defined how a patient would be serviced and wireframes that defined site structure such as pages, navigation, layout, components, elements, blocks, images, media, views, forms and their attributes, content word count, and teaser blocks.

We start the design phase by focusing on objects, flows, user journeys and functionality rather than aesthetics


We design with Information Architecture IA in mind

Due to GrahamAgency building the end design we understand Information architecture IA and how to design for development. For example, consistency with the different pages (landing pages vs articles) and making sure we maintain reusable components within each. In addition, we understand views and how to take specific fields from content types and create teaser blocks that eliminate site redundancy.


Low to High Fidelity Detailed Designs

We wanted to create a refreshing minimalist and clean UI that conveyed trust and authenticity. As the project progressed the design fidelity increased and functionality expanded. These continual iterations then become the user interface design.



Throughout all stages of the design we created interactive prototypes that enabled us to gather feedback from the client and other departments. This gave everyone the opportunity to interact with the design and make comments.


End-to-end delivery: Website Build

We delivered the product through all stages of research, design and engineering.

GrahamAgency built the design in a custom Drupal 8 CMS website following best coding and development practices all in-house agency standards. In addition, we hosted and provided security updates and monitoring.


Built in Drupal 8

Drupal CMS

Custom build in Drupal 8

Drupal Hosting

Managed Hosting

User Testing Environment (UAT) and Production

Drupal Website Security, Monitoring, and Updates

Infrastructure Management

Security updates and database monitoring.


Communicating the brands identity across all content including video

We assisted post-production editors in incorporating brand narratives that aligned with the brand messaging and values by providing content overlays and creatives for videos.

Video content consistent with branding

As a result, GrahamAgency assisted in developing a heart moving catalogue of videos, strengthening the company's authenticity and patient trust.


Setting up marketing platforms, tools and analytics

As to set the client up entirely with marketing tools ready to go, GrahamAgency created newsletter subscription lists linked to the website, marketing platforms consistent with their branding, and analytical tools to monitor website traffic.


Newsletter Subscription Lists

Newsletter Subscriptions

GrahamAgency created subscription forms of the website linked to a mailing list that allowed the client to start broacasting marketiing emails.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media

We setup all social media marketing platforms consistent with brand colors, styles, and narratives.

Website Analytical tools


GrahamAgency linked marketing analytical tools to the website. Allowing our client to monitor website traffic, engagements, campaigns, and ROI.

It's not about the amount of followers, it's quality and relevance that matters.


In summary GrahamAgency delivered the client an end-to-end product solution

We delivered an authentic brand that is a bold symbol of the company, industry, science, and founders.

In addition, we collaborated with business teams and leadership throughout all stages of the design prototyping and presenting.

Furthermore, we delivered a user experience that solved the needs of the users by following user centered design UCD methodologies.

Lastly, we delivered the product using Drupal CMS with advanced customizations and best practices.